GIFI – The Portuguese Association for Investigation, a private, nonprofit association with registered offices in Lisbon, at Avenida de Alvares Cabral, no. 62, 2º direito, legal entity no. 501 687 319 (hereinafter referred to as GIFI).
1- Content and property rights:
The contents of the GIFI website include all that is available to the general public or to authorized users only, including, therefore, texts, photographs, video, web design and software (the Content).
All Content is protected by current legal regulations regarding intellectual property and protection of computer programs.
Intellectual property and software rights over the Content belong to GIFI, unless otherwise expressly indicated on the website.
The rights relating to their trademarks, which may be used in the Content, also belong to GIFI.
2- Use, risk, and responsibility:
Access to and use of the GIFI website is at the user’s own risk, and GIFI accepts no responsibility for the consequences of the correct or incorrect use of the Content, both in terms of emerging damage and lost profits.
GIFI makes the best efforts to keep Content up-to-date and reliable but does not guarantee that it is free from inaccuracies or that it is up to date. The Content can be changed at any time without the obligation to GIFI to inform you in advance or to communicate such changes.
GIFI remains committed to developing the security of its website by taking the technical, physical, and logical protection measures that are appropriate and feasible, however, it does not guarantee that the Content, especially files available for sharing, is free of any type of malware or, that, in general, they might not have features or potential that are harmful to the user’s systems.
3- Interruption and suspension of access:
GIFI may, at any time, without notice and without providing any justification, discontinue access to its website for any period that is necessary or useful, in particular for technical and administrative purposes or any events of force majeure.
Such interruptions may last for a short period of time or may be extensive, encouraging the suspension of access to the GIFI website for an indefinite period.
GIFI does shall not accept any obligation or responsibility towards website users to ensure continued access to its website or guarantee its replacement, under any period or conditions.
4- Cookie policy:
A cookie, within the context of the http communication protocol used on the Internet, is a small computer file or data packet sent by an Internet website to the user’s browser when the user visits said website. Each time the user visits said website again, the browser sends the cookie back to the server to inform the user’s previous activities. Cookies are designed to be a reliable mechanism for sites to recall information about user activity, such as recorded passwords, items added to the shopping cart in an online store, links that were previously clicked, among others. Thus, they improve navigation, increasing the efficiency of the response (source: Wikipedia, adapted to European Portuguese).
5- Protection of personal data:
GIFI complies with current legislation on the protection of personal data, within the context of its website.
Where processing of personal data occurs, users will be shown the terms and purposes of such processing, and your express consent to that effect will be obtained whenever legally required.
6- Registration and sign-up areas:
The registration and sign-up areas of the GIFI website contain the corresponding specific rules, in addition to all other information necessary to the user.
In any event, to be able to access the registration and sign-up areas, as a general rule the user will agree to accept full responsibility for their login and password data.
7- Contacts:
For all purposes related to the GIFI website, the user shall use GIFI’s address as contact details, at
8- Applicable law and jurisdiction:
These Terms and Conditions are governed by Portuguese law, and the District Courts of Lisbon shall have sole jurisdiction to settle any disputes relating to enforcement and interpretation thereof, corresponding to the registered offices of GIFI.
Last Update: 31-Oct-21